I’ve talked a lot of about the animation that inspired a lot of the material for Mister Mellow in interviews leading up to the release of the album - but a lot of fine art was very influential as well. John Baldessari has done a wide range of work over the years (that is greatly summarized in this short documentary) - but the stuff I’m particularly fond of is the work that combines found photography and bright primary colors. Sampling is big part of my process (particularly for this new record) and I see a connection between what I like about sampling and what I like about collage-based visual art. Baldessari incorporates elements of collage into his work but the ideas are often laughably simple. But there is an elegance in the simplicity that I think is really powerful and I think its a lesson that things don’t always need busy and complex to have power or meaning. A lot of the visuals for the live show were particularly influenced by Baldessari’s work. -- Washed Out

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Los Angeles Modern Auctions (LAMA)

Washed Out is the headliner + co-curator for this year's Gorilla vs. Bear VI show, tomorrow night (Saturday 8/12) at the Bomb Factory. Purchase tickets here.