
polaroids: GvsB VII
polaroids: GvsB VII
polaroids: GvsB VII
A visual recap of one of the best nights in site history. Much love and thanks to Chromatics, Desire, In Mirrors, Heaven and the whole Italians Do It Better family + Helena Deland, Lou Rebecca, Lisel, Dallas, and the Granada Theater. All polaroids by Patrick Waites:
HEAVEN shares the title track from their debut <i>Lonesome Town</i> 12″
HEAVEN shares the title track from their debut Lonesome Town 12″
HEAVEN shares the title track from their debut Lonesome Town 12″
The mysterious Johnny Jewel-produced group shares the slow-burning and romantic title track (a cover of this classic) from their debut 12&quot; EP Lonesome Town, out next week on 180 gram vinyl via Italians Do It Better. Watch the &quot;Lonesome Town&quot; video by CHROMATICS + check the 12&quot; art below:
HEAVEN - It's Not Enough
HEAVEN - It's Not Enough
HEAVEN - It's Not Enough
Beautifully seductive and dramatic new track from new Italians Do It Better act HEAVEN. Produced by Johnny Jewel and described as "Teardrop rock...Suicide meets Julee Cruise", with some heavy LDR and Chromatics vibes in there too. "It's Not Enough" is the first track from the group's debut EP, out next month via Italians Do It Better. Video starring Hana Vagnerova, directed by
new from Italians Do It Better
new from Italians Do It Better
new from Italians Do It Better
Italians Do It Better have announced a trio of highly anticipated new releases coming this week, including FARAH's The Only Ones 12" on "transparent copper mist" vinyl, which Johnny Jewel says is a teaser for her long-awaited Into Eternity LP, as well as a new Nite Jewel 12" EP featuring a couple of highlights from her beautiful new record Real High + 3 non-album tracks, and a
video premiere: et aliae – Heaven
video premiere: et aliae – Heaven
video premiere: et aliae – Heaven
et aliae's beautiful Bach-referencing piano composition &quot;Heaven&quot; gets some soothing, Pure Moods-esque visuals, created by &quot;motion fantasy&quot; artist Kenaim. Kenaim says of the &quot;moving artwork&quot; he created for the song:
GvsB presents: The Walkmen – live in Dallas
GvsB presents: The Walkmen – live in Dallas
GvsB presents: The Walkmen – live in Dallas
We've teamed up with KXT to present one of our favorite live bands, the Walkmen, live at Dallas' Granada Theater on Wednesday, September 19. The venue has hooked us up with 5 pairs of tickets to give away; just leave your name + email below or on facebook to enter, and I'll pick the winners the week before the show...

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