evan prosofsky
watch Evan Prosofsky’s Waterpark / soundtrack by Dirty Beaches
Evan Prosofsky's directorial debut, with an ambient original soundtrack by Dirty Beaches. More about the film at Nowness.com.
video premiere: HAERTS – “Wings”
One of the most unstoppable songs of the last year or so gets some worthy visuals, as the brilliant Emily Kai Bock showcases her penchant for making magic by using seemingly unremarkable or commonplace series of events -- aside from when a kid apparently takes flight near the end -- to elegantly create something beautiful and poignant and moving, befitting such a timeless song as "Wings..
video premiere: Sébastien Schuller – “Nightlife”
The unstoppable team of director Emily Kai Bock and cinematographer Evan Prosofsky -- not sure how we missed the pair's new Doldrums video, thanks for the heads up, Grimes -- beautifully document the simultaneously vibrant and melancholy Miami nightlife in the stunning new visuals for Sébastien Schuller's "Nightlife...
video premiere: Kool Music :: “Running Back to Everyone”
This is some Lynchian horror anxiety music by the coolest person I have ever met, and the guy who lays out all my album artwork; Jasper Baydala. Emily Kai Bock and Evan Prosofsky came together to make this video which to me sounds like one of the most daunting tasks I can imagine - its fucking cold in Niagara Falls and the 35mm camera is so heavy I can't pick it up so I imagine Evan's back was hu