
Ellen Allien & Apparat

Before you leave a comment telling me that I don't know shit about IDM/electro, I'll go ahead and say it for you. I know nothing about it. Some of it I like--The Knife's Silent Shout is one of my favorite records of the year--but most of it, I can't stand. With that said, I love what I've heard from Orchestra of Bubbles, the new Ellen Allien & Apparat record. I'm becoming increasingly impressed by artists that are able to create this organic-feeling, affecting, melodic pop music out of nothing but electronic textures and glitches. On this, one of the few vocal tracks on the album, Allien's distant voice somehow manages to be both engaging and a little cold. See, I told you I don't know what I'm talking about.

Ellen Allien & Apparat Way Out mp3

buy Orchestra of Bubbles here