video: Jess Cornelius – No Difference
LA-via-Melbourne-via-New Zealand songwriter Jess Cornelius shares her beautiful and emotional new self-released single "No Difference", an empowering jam that is accurately described in the press release as "part self-help mantra, part blind fatalism". Jess talks about exploring the cleansing and destructive properties of water in the Thomas Hyland-directed video:
“We wanted to introduce the water element because of its cleansing/rebirthing properties, but water is also destructive, and the image of someone wearing a white suit in a full bathtub implies someone slightly unhinged. We wanted to expand on this idea of rebirth by showing all these women having miniature moments of self-reckoning, which is what I feel people often do in the bathroom. We use the bathroom—and the bathroom mirror—to collect ourselves, to recover, to psych ourselves up, to escape, to self destruct, to castigate ourselves, to tally up our worth, to make deals with ourselves, to re-evaluate, to preen and primp and steel ourselves.”