video: Champagne Superchillin – Gipsy Ferrari
Today we have a band that we've unfairly put off listening to because of their name -- an ironic bad habit of ours considering our own name, that we resolve to stop one of these days -- and it turns out they're actually pretty sick! Brooklyn's Champagne Superchillin share the delightfully surreal Matthew Volz-directed visuals for their intoxicating track "Gipsy Ferrari", a swirling, cinematic French-psych-pop jammer that abruptly evaporates into a dreamlike haze about halfway through, only to reemerge as a gorgeous, exquisitely misty waltz. Watch the video, which features the band's Juliette Buchs flossing on the beach before taking a harrowing turn involving some kind of psychotropic pills and forced institutionalization, below. Champagne Superchillin's Beach Deep is out now on Broken Circles / Soft Junk: