
L.A.'s Bodies of Water have announced they'll be playing SXSW this year, and will release their debut LP sometime this spring. We loved their self-titled EP from 2005, so were extremely pleased to see the band has posted a new mp3 on their website. One of the band's members describes their sound as "abba meets the muppets," and as ridiculous as that sounds, it's as accurate as anything we could come up with. This song, with its huge swells and rousing chorus, sounds way too huge to be the work of just two girls and two guys. We like to think this is what the Arcade Fire would sound like if they grew up in Southern California.

Bodies of Water These Are the Eyes mp3

Also check out "We Are Coexistors" at the band's myspace page. And if you live in L.A., go see the band tomorrow night at this Arthur Lee/Love tribute: