The mysterious, Orono-led international collective signs to Domino and officially releases their smash from earlier this year, "Something for Your M.I.N.D.". Check the band-directed video below + purchase the limited one-sided etched 7” here...
The mysterious Superorganism crew follows up their insanely catchy left-field blog hit "Something for Your M.I.N.D." -- which has been scrubbed from the internet thanks to an uncleared sample -- with the also-very-catchy and off-kilter motivational (shout out to the Tony Robbins sample) jam "It's All Good". Listen below:
Got an email recently from Superorganism that began, "Hey there i'm your average 17yr old japanese girl living in Maine. my 7 friends from london and i are in this really cool band..." So excuse our incredulousness when it turns out their sole track at this point is impossibly infectious, and they're doing fully-formed, irreverent Gorillaz-style pop that's significantly better than the n