to cheat and pack in even more tunes i love, i made a mix. a lot of the music in here i discovered via this very website! thanks so much for letting me share today. xo, KT
this whole record is gorgeous. the christmas-like bells on this track are somehow so comforting in timbre and yet unsettling in their unpredictable levels. the way he ducks his voice on certain lines on other tracks is so eerie and stirring. Ka whispers when the rest of us might scream. -- Katie Gately
discovered him through my favorite tape label, blue tapes UK, i know nothing about him except this release is beautiful, hypnotic and makes me feel better when i am underslept. beautiful dance floor abstractions. -- Katie Gately
my favorite song released this year. the first time i heard it, i burst into tears in a trader joe's parking lot! it is absolutely majestic. -- Katie Gately
my favorite animator and music video director who i hope to work with indefinitely! we are currently working on a video now but it is not ready yet for the world, so i’m sharing his beautiful tumblr with illustrations. he also did this fantastic ...
i just discovered tirzah this year, i really like everything she has released but this track is particularly weird, raw and delightful. i believe this was also produced by the tremendous mica levi. i love how dry the mix is - it's really brave and works so well. -- Katie Gately
"i grew up scrambling around NYC like a little punk so this video brings me major nostalgia vibes. the song is super dream, woozy and warm and the young dancers are ridiculously gorgeous. the video was impeccably directed by crystal moselle (who directed the amazing feature film "the wolf pack” last year)" -- Katie Gately
i love this whole EP - it's so strange, coarse, joyous, goofy! she has a new tape called "for haku" out on rvng intl this year that is also really great. -- Katie Gately
this track makes me want to do push-ups, read nietzche and become a rapper. if you want to experience some hardcore, gorgeous details dive into the whole LP pronto. -- Katie Gately
this kind of over-the-top, wackadoodle energy tackles me into pleasure-seizures every time. the amount of time and commitment it took to create something this unique is utterly bonkers. i take goofiness very seriously and appreciate when others do too! -- Katie Gately