A Simon Park track I incidentally heard a passage from years ago and then later discovered in its entirety (on 'High Climber' from 1982) whilst digging through some of the De Wolfe Music library records. -- JOHN MAUS
A Debt of Blood Must Be Paid In Blood: more music from the Cultural Revolution, this piece is from The Red Lantern, one of the eight model revolutionary operas. Careful attention to the encounter here between the traditional Chinese "pentatonic" modes and Western triadic harmony (as with The Heroic Little Sisters) will only enrich one's musical imagination. -- JOHN MAUS
The Heroic Little Sisters of the Grasslands: this Chinese tune was especially popular during the Cultural Revolution . This particular performance/arrangement of the tune is surprisingly applicatory. -- JOHN MAUS
John Maus is running the site all day, sharing some obscure and bizarre selections, starting with a Renaissance-era pontifical canon that inspired one of the tracks on his new album. Screen Memories is out now. Catch Maus on his current massive world tour.