Morgan Geist has a project called the galleria which I was lucky enough to do some vocals on. Morgan is one of the most talented people I know -- Jessy Lanza
Christie Sealey is one half of Orphx and Rich Oddie is the other. They are both from Hamilton. Christie and I share a studio where I do music and she has a painting studio. She is one of my best friends and (similar to Jason) is another synthesis wizard I have the fortune of being friends with. She has helped me with studio and software problems more times than I can count. -- Jessy Lanza
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Ceramic TL is a project by our friend David Psutka. He came to Hamilton every week to help Jeremy Greenspan and I mix our new record OH NO. I don’t think we would have finished the record without him. In this video Bryce Kushnier has done a light installation that blows me away. He’s also designing the light show for my upcoming North American tour -- Jessy Lanza
I love this track so much and the visuals as well. manthe ribane is an incredible artist and I love this video for its simplicity and the fact that I’m mesmerized by her dancing and singing in front of nothing. -- Jessy Lanza
last new year’s eve I spent the night at a crystal journey’s performance and I think it had a profound effect on my outlook for the rest of the year. David Hickey (crystal journey) is from hamilton so if you’re here and if you get a chance to see him perform it will change your life -- Jessy Lanza
I didn’t think it was possible for a live performance to sound this good. look at all those prophet 5’s ! one of the greatest bands of all time -- Jessy Lanza
Borys is one of the most talented people I know. He is a synthesis wizard. listen to this song he did with Jeremy with the lights off and you’ll get really scared -- Jessy Lanza