speaking of julia, she keeps telling me she loves this demo. a silly but sincere track that couldn't find it's way to the album. it's a loner, but i still like it. -- Nite Jewel
we take a lot of time to write songs. we usually jam and record it, then listen to it, then change it and record the new version etc. so this is a mobile recording from our song fat calmed kiddos, done in 24/may/2014:
I haven’t had much time to work on new tunes since I finished ‘Prom King’, mostly due to putting a band together and playing a bunch of shows this summer. Which was awesome! But I’ve had some time off and I’m just trying to have fun making music again...
Johnny Jewel has been quietly uploading a bunch of older tracks + rarities over the last few weeks for free download on his soundcloud, and today he drops this dreamy, previously unreleased 8 track demo version of Kill For Love highlight "At Your Door"...
"Pour cette seconde édition du festival Assis ! Debout ! Couché ! Sonic Boom a réalisé une mixtape par soir pour vous préparer sereinement à l’événement..."
Achingly beautiful new "demo lullaby" from Dee Dee of Dum Dum Girls. Dee Dee says:"hummed this a long time ago in bed ... lullaby with Sammy Nikdel on guitar"