dave harrington

Darkside – Psychic
Darkside's Psychic 2xLP is out October 8 on Other People / Matador.
Darkside :: Golden Arrow

download the first 11 minutes of the new Darkside album
Nicolas Jaar just launched his new "serial label" Other People with a free download of the sprawling, 11:20-minute opening track from the new Darkside LP. This will be the only free delivery, so grab it below, and go here to sign up to receive new content from Jaar + Other People every week...

Nicolas Jaar’s Darkside remixes Daft Punk’s Random Access Memories
"For the longest day of the year, DARKSIDE momentarily turns into DAFTSIDE..."Nico Jaar + his Darkside partner Dave Harrington remix Random Access Memories in its entirety. Listen:

Tame Impala – “Feels Like We Only Go Backwards (Dave Harrington paradise edit)”
New "paradise edit" of Tame Impala's "Feels Like We Only Go Backwards" by regular Nicolas Jaar collaborator + one half of the great Darkside, Dave Harrington: