le Rayon Vert (the green ray), i love all his movies, but this one stuck with me for some reason, the woman's character is helpless, extremely sensitive, romantic and desperate, i love the Jules Verne 'Rayon vert's legend at the end. it's graceful... -- Melody Prochet
Pablo Padovani is the graceful sexy leopard printed shirt dancing potato next to me on tour, a very supportive and essential energy in the gang. he's probably one of the most creative brains around in Paris. he just released his new album, Cité Champagne...
she's the fabulous artist that created the artwork for Bon Voyage. She was my best childhood friend from age 3, we lost contact when we moved to the city. When i moved back to Aix en provence, i called her out of the blue and i discovered she had become a massive tattoo artist rockstar...
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness. And they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy... or they become legend."
i love this live session so much, it makes me want to jump through my computer's portal and dance wildly in the middle and scream... i feel the intention, the passion, the humbleness and grace. recording and being around these souls was blissful. -- Melody Prochet
the best experience of these past years was going back to my childhood music school in Aix en provence to learn drums. They opened a modern music/rock department that didn't exist when i was classically trained ten years ago. I would practise for 6 hours in the drum class and young students would come visit me and talk to me about their passion for drums and their dreams...