
The Vashti Bunyan early singles and demos collection that we talked about back in August finally sees release next week on FatCat. Tons of great, mostly unheard stuff, and I'd recommended it for even the most casual fans of her gentle pastoral folk. Here's some mildly awkward vintage footage from the mid-'60s of Ms. Bunyan uncomfortably lip-synching the album's Mick Jagger and Keith Richards-penned title track, from a TV show called "Shindig" (watch another clip from the show here).



Timbaland did some free thing at the Palladium here in Dallas on Saturday night. He basically stood around while his DJ, Steve, played all of Tim's famous Jay-Z and Timberlake and Missy and Ginuwine beats. Then he just sort of sat there and said "Hey Dallas" a bunch and probably made like $75K for an hour. At one point he brought some arguably hot girls up on stage, so kudos to you, Mr. Timbaland. The Dallas Observer's music blog called the performance "both brilliant and self-inflated," which would be accurate, if not for the "brilliant" part. Remarkably, we still had fun at the "show," there were multiple mass "Soulja Boy" crankings, and David even took this Polaroid of Timbaland looking like a bulldog: