premiere: Amy O – Sunday Meal
Bloomington's Amy Oelsner, aka Amy O, follows up the soaring, short-but-sweet blast of sunny nostalgia that is her new single "Lavender Night" with another melodic, vaguely '90s-recalling anthem/highlight from her excellent new record Elastic, out soon on Winspear. "Sunday Meal" is an emotional and relatable celebration of the concept of "home", wherever that may be, inspired by the death of Amy's grandmother last summer. Amy tells us about the new track:
"I wrote this upon returning home after spending a week in Connecticut watching my Grandma die in the summer of 2016. She was a sailor all her life, which inspired the line 'She is calling me, come on home, steer the wheel along.' The whole experience made me think of home and all the forms it can take. The life I am building for myself is home, my childhood and the shared history I have with my family is home, my body is my home and I’m actually just a visitor here."
Elastic is out in August on limited coke bottle clear vinyl via Winspear. The deluxe edition of the record comes with Amy's zine Yoko Oh Yes, a complementary collection of interviews with women musicians, "gathered by Amy O from February 2015 to December 2016" and created in collaboration with Bethany Lumsdaine + Jessie Grubb of Bloomington based zine Shut Up and Listen. The zine covers topics such as "Songwriting and Technique, Early Experiences, Gear, Recording, Business and Money, and Advice and Inspiration", and features interviews with Terre Roche of The Roches, Greta Kline of Frankie Cosmos, Katie Bennett of Free Cake for Every Creature and more. You can also grab a copy of the zine at amyoelsner.com or pick one up from Amy during her east coast tour this August.