Our Girl’s “In My Head” gets a haunting remix from Dream Wife’s Alice Go
Stranger Today, the debut LP by Brighton band Our Girl, is officially our favorite record of 2018 that we failed to discover until 2019. The band, led by songwriter and brilliant guitarist Soph Nathan (also of The Big Moon), was relatively slept on here in the States, but received tons of acclaim in the UK for conjuring a blistering union of shoegaze, grunge, and psychedelic indie rock that added up to one of the best guitar records in recent memory. So it makes sense that like-minded guitar ripper Alice Go of fellow sick UK rock band Dream Wife has re-worked Our Girl's rousing album highlight "In My Head" (check the video for the original below to get an idea of just how much this band rips) into a haunting, almost ominous stripped-down jammer, in her words "pulling the mix back to the raw elements of the band in their live manifestation and seeing what was there at the songs core; a process of isolating the essential components, concentrating that, and driving that home." Listen below, and go back and get acquainted with the album here.
Our Girl has dates coming up with Courtney Barnett and Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever, check those below:
May 26 - La Rochelle, FR @ Le Sirene *
May 28 - Biarritz, FR @ L'Atabal *
July 09 - Liverpool, UK @ Invisible Wind Factory +
July 15 - London, UK @ Village Underground +
July 23 - Reading, UK @ Sub89 +
* w/ Courtney Barnett
+ w/ Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever