We are pleased to announce an intimate evening with The Evens next Saturday at Dallas' beautiful Public Trust. As the The Washington Post aptly points out, The Evens are "what happens when post-hardcore becomes post-post-hardcore." Sounds about right, really.

The Evens are the campfire pet project of Fugzai's Ian MacKaye and Amy Farina of the Warmers, a clean, garage punk detour from a vacationing Fugazi formed in 2001 that ventures into an aesthetic we might not otherwise expect from these two. We first encountered the duo in a scorching tent at Coachella in 2005, and were utterly charmed by their gear-shifting simplicity -- indeed, the pair are infinitely removed from their other, more defining projects as they delve into these sort of quiet, harmony-heavy, political punk anthems, at once abstract and overt. Punctuated by the pioneering MacKaye's churning baritone guitar and the dynamics of Farina's perfectly brushed beats, it's a special rapport and sound that'll fit nicely among Public Trust's hallowed walls. Last year's "Get Evens" was sorely underrated.