

Here's the second installment from Harlem's "Cover of the Month Club," in which the Austin group offers up this relatively faithful and straightforward lo-fi take on Q Lazzarus' "Goodbye Horses." I posted about the song's mild resurgence a few months back, but if you're unfamiliar, you might recognize it from this scene, which scarred me for life at age 13.




I'm sure most of you guys have heard Merriweather Post Pavilion by now, and while our expectations for this thing were pretty unrealistically high, it really is kind of unlike anything we've ever heard. To call MPP dense would be an understatement, so we're obviously still exploring the record and soaking it all in, but "No More Runnin'," "Daily Routine," "Bluish," "Summertime Clothes," and of course "My Girls" and "Brothersport" are all next level for this band. For the record, I still prefer Noah's solo version of "Guys Eyes" (with Zombies sample still intact) though:
