

I've been a fan of L.A. emcee Busdriver since I saw him play to a crowd of maybe 20 with Th' Corn Gangg at SXSW a couple years ago. Kevin from So Much Silence has been raving about his new album, Roadkill Overcoat (out Jan. 30), non-stop lately, and for good reason. Busdriver's flow is startlingly unique and original, without ever crossing into "gimmicky" territory, mostly because he's one of the most astounding lyricists in hip hop. Here's our favorite song from the new record, featuring a sped-up Yes sample, courtesy of producer Nobody:

In one of more inspired tour-pairings in a long time, Busdriver hits the road with Deerhoof starting tomorrow night in L.A. Here's a short promo video for Roadkill Overcoat, featuring the sounds of "The Troglodyte Wins":