Earth Girl Helen Brown –
Story of an Earth Girl EP
The next release on our Forest Family imprint is the debut record from the soulful, "nomadic psychedelic folksinger" Earth Girl Helen Brown: a “unique mix of country, girl group, R&B, and ghoulishness,” brought to life by Sonny Smith of Sonny & the Sunsets, with help from Heidi Alexander + Grace Cooper of the Sandwitches, John Dwyer of the Oh Sees, Kelly Stoltz, and others. One of my personal favorite FF releases so far. Here's Helen's story, as Sonny tells it:
"Helen Brown was born in Vancouver, Canada, but raised in an Athens, Georgia-based religious cult, and was blinded in one eye from a childhood baseball injury. As an adult, she dropped out of Evergreen and traveled the country for a while as a nomadic psychedelic folksinger, before forming her first band One Eyed Tramps. For years, she lived alone in a mountaintop in southern Alaska, where she befriended a Cherokee Shaman (later revealed as a fake) who encouraged her to pursue a frustrating academic career. Rampant drug use, frequent fainting on stage, and occasional self-inflicted knife wounds on stage led to more interest in her stage antics than her music. However, a few sides did emerge in the late ’90s (recording dates unknown), which feature a unique mix of country, girl group, R&B, and ghoulishness. Crude and amateurish at best, these recordings are appreciated for their sincerity and intensity of feeling."
Earth Girl Helen Brown's Story of an Earth Girl 10" EP is limited to 500 copies on white vinyl. Check out the video for the title track below, and pre-order the 10" here.