DJDS share the glorious Charlie Wilson version of “You Don’t Have to be Alone”
Charlie Wilson makes everything better. Listen below + grab the uplifting new and improved version of "You Don't Have to Be Alone" (which Sam + Jerome low-key debuted on our Sirius show a few weeks back) on iTunes here:
"When making our song "You Don't Have To Be Alone" we sampled the voice of Charlie Wilson from a record he did in 2005. What by every law of music industry bureaucracy should have ended up as a sample clearing nightmare, somehow then turned into a dream collaboration for us. We owe that to the man himself who heard the song and thought we could expand on it together. We got together in the studio in Los Angeles, wrote and recorded new vocals, and created a new version of the song. You can hear it now. Thank you Charlie. - DJDS"