Yeah, nothing happening on my end how about "Little Superstar: Explained"?? I'm pretty sure everyone with a computer has seen this video by now. It's been featured everywhere, Tom sent a myspace bulletin about it, hell, even Vanderslice loves it. (Edit: the video has over 1 million views on YouTube, complete with some of the best comments ever. My favorite: "Why does that Indian woman have to be such a hater, coming in there and being all 'dara dara dara dara.'") And, I know you're wondering what the shit was going on in that video, so here are some key points, courtesy of this "pop-up video" style version:

  • the clip is from a 1986 movie called Maarveran
  • the little dancing dude goes by the name "thavakalai", or "frog"
  • the language they're speaking = Tamil. Wonder if M.I.A. knows these dudes.
  • the song is a remix of the of "Holiday Rap" from MC Miker G & DJ Sven. The remix is Madonna vs. MC Miker G & DJ Sven called "Madonna - Holiday (Summer Holiday Rap Mix)" Here's the mp3 of the original:

MC Miker & DJ Sven Holiday Rap mp3 (yousendit link)

See, I told you there was nothing cool happening today. But if you're in San Antonio, go to this tonight though. We love Sparrow House: