The Bitters | “Travelin’ Girl”
The Bitters' debut LP, East General, is out April 13 via our friends at Mexican Summer. Infectious album highlight "Travelin' Girl" is a brilliantly simple, raucous lo-fi pop throwback that confirms that these two are in fact the "cave pop stars of the future" as advertised, and that Aerin Fogel is an absolute powerhouse.
Catch the Bitters at our SXSW party on Friday, March 19. First 50 people in the house receive a copy of the Mexican Summer/Waterloo Records vinyl compilation Mexican Summer Meets Waterloo, the label's first limited edition vinyl/digital comp of "2010 newbies," featuring new tracks from the Bitters, the Mantles, Dunes, the Alps, and many more. Finally, check the disturbing/possibly NSFW East General cover art after the jump...